2014-15 Syllabi
Each Judaic studies class is worth 2 university credits; students take 16 credits of Judaic studies each semester. Additionally, students must choose a minimum of 10 general studies credits per semester, but may take more if schedule permits.*
- Men’s Judaic Beginners Track
- Men’s Judaic Advanced Track
- Women’s Judaic Beginners Track
- Women’s Judaic Advanced Track
- Co-Ed General Studies
Men’s Judaic Beginners Track
Contemporary Halacha Issues – Rabbi Ari Kahn (Syllabus)
Introduction to Rabbinic Literature – Rabbi Ari Yablok (Syllabus)
Midrash: The World of the Sages – Rabbi Ari Kahn (Syllabus)
Parsha – Rabbi Eli Menaged (Syllabus)
Pirkei Avot – Rabbi Tom Meyer
Talmud: Aggada – Rabbi Ari Kahn (Syllabus)
Topics in Halacha – Rabbi Eli Menaged (Syllabus)
Topics in Rambam – Rabbi Yitzie Klapper
Men’s Judaic Advanced Track
Contemporary Halacha Issues – Rabbi Ari Kahn (Syllabus)
Introduction to Rabbinic Literature – Rabbi Ari Yablok (Syllabus)
Jewish Philosophy – Rabbi Tom Meyer
Literary Approach to the Bible – Dr. Zvi Shimon (Syllabus)
Midrash: The World of the Sages – Rabbi Ari Kahn (Syllabus)
Talmud Aggada – Rabbi Ari Kahn (Syllabus)
Topics in Halacha – Rabbi Eli Menaged (Syllabus)
Topics in Rambam – Rabbi Yitzie Klapper
Women’s Judaic Beginners Track
Foundations of Judaism – Dr. Chana Tannenbaum (Syllabus)
Jewish Women – Mrs. Tamar Weissman (Syllabus)
Parsha – Rabbi Eli Menaged (Syllabus)
Pirkei Avot – Rabbi Tom Meyer
Survey of Biblical Literature – Dr. Chana Tannenbaum
Survey of Biblical Women – Dr. Chana Tannenbaum
Talmud: Aggada – Rabbi Ari Kahn (Syllabus)
Talmud: Midrash, World of the Sages – Rabbi Ari Kahn (Syllabus)
Women’s Judaic Advanced Track
Jewish Women – Mrs. Tamar Weissman (Syllabus)
Literary Approach to the Bible – Dr. Zvi Shimon (Syllabus)
Survey of Biblical Literature – Dr. Chana Tannenbaum
Survey of Biblical Women – Dr. Chana Tannenbaum
Talmud Aggada – Rabbi Ari Kahn (Syllabus)
Talmud: Midrash, World of the Sages – Rabbi Ari Kahn (Syllabus)
Topics in Halacha – Rabbi Eli Menaged (Syllabus
Topics in Rambam – Rabbi Yitzie Klapper
Co-Ed General Studies
Biology – Dr. F. Shalit (Syllabus) (3 credits)
Biology Lab – Dr. A. Jacob (1 credit) (Syllabus)
Calculus – Dr. R. Solymak (3 credits)
English Composition – Tom Meyer (3 credits)
English Literature – Dr. M. Michelson (3 credits) (Syllabus)
Finance – Dr. K. Mishel (3 credits) (Syllabus)
Jewish Identity: Leaders and Leadership Throughout the Ages – Dr. Adam Ferziger (2 credits) (Syllabus)
Love and War in Ancient Greek Thought – Dr. G. Danzig (2 credits) (Syllabus)
Management – Dr. S. Gottlieb (3 credits) (Syllabus) (second semester)
Marketing – Dr. S. Gottlieb (3 credits) (Syllabus) (first semester)
Psychology – Dr. D. Kahn (2 credits) (Syllabus)
Trends and Ideology in Jewish History – Dr. Adam Ferziger (2 credits) (Syllabus)
Ulpan: Hebrew Language, Levels Aleph to Daled (2 credits)
* Courses listed are for current academic year, 2015-16. Courses are subject to change each year, based on teacher availability, program size, and demand.